星期二, 11月 18, 2008

I like the way of singapore

ya...i just come back from singapore
after these 4 days,i feel that i have become more independent
i understood mrt route thoroughly
i took bus
i asked pedestrians whatever i didnt know
and i walked the road that had not taken before
i want to try anything new~

during these 4 days,
we walked in for interview many times
we tried to speak english
and listened too...
i hope we can get job at there soon

i like the Singaporean's way of wearing
just simple..
ya, i like simple things

i could see many differences between malaysia and singapore
just a straight road
but there are too many differences
the singapore police work diligently
the malaysia police just sit and watch;
the rubbish
the bus
the mrt
the politeness
the society
the public security
and even the people

just a place that is full of parasite

i miss my home in malaysia
i am accustomed to the lifestyle of malaysia~


